Friday, July 24, 2009

Exploring Eachother

Exploring Eachother

The sunset blazes across your face,
Stopping to dance with the sparkle in your eyes
Before slipping its head under the blanket of night
As we ride in from a day of exploring new meadows
And treelines, new life among the last stubborn
Remnants of winter in the Rockies
As the land wakes and warms itself,
Stretching and arching its back to a new season,
Our bodies tired, minds awakened,
Hearts full from the day's adventures,
Exploring not only the land, but each other,
Feeling out new territories and seeking new possibilities.
I swing down from my saddle,
My legs more accustomed to the leather
Than the fresh air they felt
When we shucked our jeans and boots
And shattered the glassy surface
Of the lazy current at the bend in the river,
Splashing and rolling like otter pups,
A thousand hands of icy water slapping us across the face,
Baptizing and scrubbing us clean of the sediment of winter,
Soothing the dull ache of old pain,
Carrying it downstream and away from my heart.
The breeze wrapped itself around my legs
Like an infant's hand to his father's finger
And sent my brown curls dancing across my face,
Hiding from you the girlish blush that painted my cheeks
Each time you looked at me the way a man looks at a woman.
I nuzzled my head into your chest like a foal to its mother's side
As the sun drank the last tiny diamonds from our skin.
I counted the colors of the wildflowers
Like I counted the colors in your eyes,
Stealing glances at your chiseled features
And strong form, royal and masculine
Atop your tall sorrel.
Your warm smile and easy laugh
Soothe me, opening my heart
To ponder taking a risk again,
The way a man might ponder whether the water
Is deep enough to leap from a cliff.
This is the way it's meant to be--
Two free spirits embracing each other
In reckless abandon…
My body sighs into yours each time
You take me in your strong arms,
Challenging me and tempering me, all at once.
My soul is suddenly aloft, soaring overhead,
Awaiting the inevitable power-dive into a headlong tumble.
I am headstrong and bold, but you make me shy and mild.
My skin screams for your touch,
Impatiently waiting until the next time
You reach for me.
My hair messied itself in your fingers
As I listened to the cadence of your heart
As we rested by the river and you gently kissed my forehead
Setting my own heart aflutter like a great flock
Of redwings taking flight.
I mourn that the day is over and soon I must
Face the awkward parting of ways
After our intimate touching of souls.
I can't help but wonder--
How long will we gently trod in each other's lives,
Dancing around the fire of exclusivity?
For now, exploring you is enough.

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